
Weekly Rates

This is a time-and-materials type of engagement where customers only pay for the time spent on the project. It supports the Agile development process. It has its benefits, especially in cases where the scope of work can’t be defined or changes too rapidly. You can hire developer(s) on a weekly basis and work directly with him (them) on the tasks you decide.

This is the best fit for quickly changing environments and cuts down on overheads during the planning phase.
  • Python Developer $45per hour

    All our engineers have between 2 to 9 years of Python programming experience. We build reliable and extendable custom web solutions using Python and related web frameworks/tools such as Django, Flask, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis database, etc. Our developers apply Python in various machine learning, internet of things, and big data projects using Python libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, etc.

  • iOS & Android Developer $45per hour

    Our iOS and Android engineers provide native mobile products with a particular focus on security and usability. We have strong expertise in iOS, Android, and Unity platforms. We use Swift, Java, and Kotlin as programming languages and React Native, Cocoa Touch, Spring, Apollo, etc. as frameworks for mobile app development.

  • UX/UI Designer $1,200per week

    Our skilled and creative UX/UI development team has proven experience in web and mobile app design. We have definitive knowledge on how end-users interact with apps and know how to create an easy-to-use user interface that offers an enjoyable experience for your target audience. Our designers use different kinds of tools such as Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe XD, InVision Figma, etc.

  • Scrum Master $45per hour

    This is a management role. Our Scrum Master helps you to communicate with the team and enact Scrum and empirical product development. Typically, this person is responsible for keeping everyone accountable and ensure that the Scrum process is being followed.

  • QA Engineer $900per week

    Our QA team helps you scale testing capacity with minimum effort. We provide a full range of manual and automated testing services using PyTest, Selenium WebDriver, and other testing tools. Our engineers also help with the creation of documentation and acceptance criteria for the tasks.
