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Coin Rush

Mobile app
3 months
Team size:
2 developers

Technologies used

  • C#
  • Unity engine
  • ARCore

CoinRush is an augmented reality (AR) mobile game for iPhone and Android devices. With Coin Rush, users will discover robots that would be displayed on a map based on their geographical location.

clutter project
clutter project


The game gives users the chance to explore real locations and search far and wide for portals, coins, and robots. The first step of the game is to collect coins to buy something and to search for the portals to go through them. After finding the portals and popping off through them, users see the robots. The primary goal is to kill the robot to get a safe with a link. The link gives them access to a site with another service.


Our role was to create an AR game which was pretty similar to the PokemonGo. The main idea of the app is to use the safes to provide the links with the promotion of other services.


Our developers created the architecture of the game using the Unity engine and C#. Some of the icons were designed by our designer, some of the 3D models we bought. Also, our developers used Google platform ARCore for building augmented reality for Android devices.